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Embracing Uncomfortable: Leading Through Uncertainty

In this Level Up Your Leadership series group session, we’ll delve into:

  • Understanding Uncertainty: We'll dive into the common sources of and discuss their impact on teams and leaders. Recognizing these elements can be the first step toward managing them effectively.

  • Building Trust and Credibility: Trust is the foundation of effective leadership, especially in times of uncertainty. We'll cover strategies to strengthen your credibility and foster a trusting environment within your team.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility: The fast-paced nature of business requires leaders to be adaptable and flexible. We'll introduce methods to enhance these qualities in your leadership style, enabling you to respond to challenges more effectively.

Session Takeways:

  • Develop Resilience Techniques: Personal resilience is crucial during uncertain times. Start by setting aside time for reflection and self-care. Encourage your team to do the same, fostering a culture of well-being.

  • Set Realistic Goals: Clear, achievable goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose. Work with your team to set short-term objectives, breaking down larger projects into manageable tasks.

  • Coach Team Members Effectively: Equip your team to handle uncertainty by sharing decision-making processes and encouraging open communication. Provide support and guidance as they navigate their own challenges.

This event is one in a series of six sessions in the Level Up Your Leadership Program hosted by Action and Ease Leadership Coaching. 

Level Up Your Leadership is a group program engineered for analytical leaders to help you communicate more effectively, navigate uncertainty, and get focused and organized so you can lead your team confidently and effectively. 

For more information additional sessions, FAQs, and program registration, visit          

April 1

Mastering Tough Talks: Initiating Difficult Conversations

April 29

Leadership Mindset: Managing Energy for Greater Resilience